We’re excited to continue a dream and invite you to be a part of it! Let me (Ron) start by sharing a few sentences of my own story, which might resonate with some of you. I am very grateful to have been blessed with much; a great family, a growing business, and incredible opportunities to partner in God’s work. It has been a blast and a privilege. There have also been risks and demands associated with these blessings. Working hard and stewarding much has made it difficult to find rest.
In recent years, I’ve learned more about rest and I have begun to experience it in new and fresh ways. God has me on a mission to help others experience rest. I feel specifically called to offer rest and encouragement to people like you, who have been very generous with others. God wants to be generous with you, and has invited me to be part of that. I want to come alongside you, a generous giver, and offer encourage-ment and a chance to receive real rest. We have had some friends join us for the journey.
There’s no alternative agenda here. There’s no request for donations or anything close to it. It’s all about a gift to you, the gift of rest.
- Ron & Jenny
Come and give yourself the gift of slowing down. Enjoy life at a relaxed pace. Experience rest. Are you tired and worn out? Come try a new pace. Be refreshed. Unplug from the distractions of everyday life. Take a deep breath and enjoy.
Arrive at The Broadmoor by 2:00 PM on September 7th. Book departing flights after 10:30 AM on the 11th. For more information about travel, visit the website at givinggiversrest.com
Emerald Valley Ranch is a property of The Broadmoor with incredible views and amenities. We will be the only guests at the ranch on those days.
This retreat has no cost to you beyond your own transportation. We have space for 12 couples. Please call (402) 499-3824 to confirm your reservation. Once confirmed, book your flights and send your itinerary to ron@givinggiversrest.com.