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Introducing Generosity Conversations

A Generosity Conversation is meant to open the door for you to share meaningful discussions about biblical generosity with people in your life. This includes family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, or even people at your church. 

One conversation can change everything.

Generosity Conversations: Best of the 2022 Celebration of Generosity

The Generosity Conversation premiering on June 2nd will feature teaching and inspirational stories from our recent Celebration of Generosity gathering. 

To host a watch party, simply fill out the form below, and we will send you everything you need! 

Watch this recap of the 2022 Celebration of Generosity for a preview of the content that will be featured in this Generosity Conversation. 

Host a Watch Party

Generosity Conversations: The Best of the 2022 Celebration of Generosity

Watch Party FAQs

When is the Watch Party for Generosity Conversations?  

June 2, 2022. We will post the video on our website at 7 a.m. ET., so you can host your Watch Party at any time! 

Where do I find the Generosity Conversation video? 

We will send Watch Party hosts an email with a link, and there will be a link on the homepage of our website the morning of June 2. 

Is it a live stream?  

No, it is going to premiere that morning and will simply be a video on Vimeo and on our website. You can show it at any time that works for your group!

How do I stream it on my TV? 

There are a few ways you can stream this Vimeo video to your TV. We have written some simple instructions for you to follow. 

Can we share the Watch Party link with others?  

Yes, post it on social media and share it via e-mail with friends!  

Will the Watch Party be available after June 2?  

Yes. It premiers that night and we are all having an evening for people to watch together around the country, but it will be available anytime. 

More questions? 
